Lanschooled download
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Again nothing happend with my efforts so amoth latter i published how the packet worked on So next i whent to my school and aucatly demstorated (with there permision) the expoite and how unscure it was. And made threats that legal aucation as well as sudesnions could take place if i where to use this progame. There repsoses was basiclky saying that they whould rather send time and effort enforcing the rules of the school and the law then fixing there progame. Now being the nice guy that i am i e-maied my findings to LanSchool and sugested several ways to fix this expolite. Also this allowed me to make the regeisty logs say what ever i whonted, incuding blaming other stutdents for the hack. So it was simple a madder of chaing the chanel byte to a real chanle in the packet to get it to work with most if not all versons of LanSchool.

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Affter looking more at the packets i noticed that the difrces between the demo verson and the real verson is that the demo verso uses only one chanale witchis never used by the real verson. Affter some time and exmermentation i decoded what most of the packets ment and was able to control the demo verson of LanSchool. So i quiclky wrote up a simple java progame to test out my theroy. This means that it is exteramly easy to spoof the packets. So i begain to look at the packets it was send and to my shock they where UDP and not TCP and they had no ecription or coding at all to them.

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This ment that finding a full verson of the software althougth not hard whould end you up in alot of trouble unless you brought your own computer to school and even then still could.

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1st i looked in to how it was effecting the regiersy of the computers it was on, and found that every time the teacher application sent a comand to the student versons it recored what windows user sent the comand, the windows name of the computer they where on and the time in all regersitrys of every comp on the network. This demo verson could not interact with real versons the school used and whould not allow studens to do any damge.

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So i started looking in to LanSchool more and found a demo verson on there site.

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Lanschooled download for free#

As ushealy the school borad decsied to spend money on somthing they could get for free and got a crapyer verson then what they could get for free. Now what is LanSchool you mayask, the names makes it sound insent enought, maybe somthing to help students? Well it may have started out that way but what it has become is basiclky a toringhorse progame for teachers to use to watch everything you are doing (incduing watching your screen) as well as giving them the ablity to control your computer or all computers in the lab at the same time. Looking feathure in to this i found out it was a progame named LanSchool (). After playing around for a bit i noticed a litte green icon in the tast bar that did not seem to do anyting. During grade 12 i chaged schools, the new school i whent to had alot better networks and computer labs witch was a good thing, or so i thought.

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